This terrifying video captures the shocking moment a 12-year-old girl jumped from a four-storey building to escape from a sex attacker on the outskirts of Mumbai, India.
In the video, the little girl was first seen sitting on top of the building, before she then jumped and fell into a makeshift safety net made from cloth below.
According to Mail Online report, the youngster' was saved by rickshaw workers who spotted her on the building, and used cloth they said they were using to work to make a safety net for a girl to jump on.
She jumped to safety but broke a bone in her back as she landed.
The young lady is said to be recovering in hospital from her injuries.
Confirming the incident, a police inspector told her rescuers that the girl had reported that her jump was a desperate bid to escape from the clutches of the man.'
He also added that that the Police are hunting the suspect, who is facing assault and kidnapping charges.